Thursday, May 31, 2012

Turkeys in Paradise: By the Numbers

Thanks to you, Hive, I have a focus for my next few posts...Hawaiian honeymoon recaps!!

It was a tight race, but 51% of you (as of 8PM EST) asked for those recaps first. For the other voters, I promise that my remaining wedding-related posts will not be forgotten.

Photos of wedding-related posts still to come : parent gifts, welcome booklet, tasting
Like Porcupine, I could probably write countless posts on our tropical honeymoon. But you don't care that much...and this is a wedding blog, after all! So, I decided to take a page from her book and break it up into a few key categories: food, fun...splurges and sun.

Mr. Turkey and I also plan to share some tips (you know I love tips). There were some things we did really right, but also others we would change if given the option to honeymoon again*!

With views like this, you can understand why we want to go back (Manele Bay, Lana'i, Hawaii)
Before I get into the specific posts, here are a few bullets on our honeymoon - in numbers (no, not those numbers):
  • 3: number of islands visited (Oahu, Lana'i, Maui) 
  • 5: number of hotels occupied (to be reviewed in our "sun" post) 
  • 6: longest number of days in one place (Four Seasons Maui at Wailea)
  • 14: number of days away (left on Monday, 5/14, returned on Sunday, 5/27)
  • 50: exact weight, in pounds, of both our checked suitcases when heading home
  • 4,993: rough number of miles flown each way (Philadelphia - Phoenix - Honolulu)
Can't wait to share all the details behind these numbers with you!

TURKEYS!! In Hawaii!! Wasn't just a clever post title...
Next up...the food (I gained 5 pounds just thinking about how much we ate)!!

What are the numbers of your honeymoon, bees (past or future)?

*Speaking of...can we make the second (or third...or fourth) honeymoon a more common tradition?

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